Darley Abbey Mill

The contrast between bright evening September sun on theses highland ponies set against brooding Skye hills: irresistible.
These beasties were on a beach on Mull, as usual just looking content with life.
Oft painted castle but I wanted something different, warm calm summer dusk with great reflections.
This and the next 2 works are just completed and are now displayed in Duffield Art Gallery just north of Derby.
Quite dark this but wanted subdued flat light, wet feel. Might put this in quite a dark frame.
A couple of Derbyshire images. Not done any since moving from there to Scotland. Edensor is the estate village for Chatsworth, took some photos of this winter morning scene many moons ago.
Went down to Edinburgh 2 weeks ago to watch the French game, just brilliant day, great atmosphere and game. Thought I would try and capture some of that atmosphere.
Painted this a while ago for my now defunct automotive website but thought it might compliment the shooting party (below).
A cold misty winters morning gathering for a pheasant shoot. I wanted to concentrate more on the subject matter and just create an atmospheric setting.Not sure about the puddles?